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Malcolm Turnbull, a Who's Not Who of Prime Ministers.

Malcolm Turnbull was born in Sydney in 1954. He did not grow up in poverty, with a dissability, in a remote community, the victim of domestic violence, or reliant on any number of government services. He was not a fee paying student at university or person in debt to the government for his law degree.

Malcolm Turnbull became Prime Minister in September 2015, on the basis of not being Tony Abbott. The Coalition's flagging popularity improved and Turnbull began to open up a lead as preferred PM, on the basis of not being Bill Shorten.

A Glossary of Minor Parties

The names of political parties can sometimes be misleading - the Liberals aren't very liberal, the Nationals only represent rural constituents, the Labor party aren't American, and the Greens are the same colour as the rest of us - so here is a hastily researched list of all minor political parties registered for the 2016 election.

Okay it's a bit long but so is the bloody Senate ballot paper. Happy voting.

Clear Economic Plans

"Our clear economic plan is more essential than ever as we enter this period of uncertainty in global markets following the British vote to leave the European Union."

- Malcolm Turnbull

That clear economic plan has increased the deficit by $33 billion in two and a half years and seen Australia go backward in terms of wealth, productivity, jobs growth and trade.

Equivalent Statistics

"Frankly people of strong religious views, they have been subjected to quite dreadful hate speech and bigotry as well...I know it from personal experience, having been exposed to that sort of hatred and bigotry for the views I've taken, from others who have a different view to me."
- Scott Morrison, responding to Penny Wong's comments on hate speech directed towards LGBTI people.

Dear Scott

Thanks to hate speech and bigotry from, among others, conservative Christians like yourself, LGBTI people in Australia are:

Parakeelia – An economic success story

Who are Parakeelia?

Parakeelia Pty Ltd was established in 1989 by then Liberal Party treasurer, Ron Walker. Its address is the federal Liberal Party headquarters in Canberra. The company directors are federal Liberal Party director Tony Nutt and party president Richard Alston.

Parakeelia produces only one product, a software program called Feedback, which compiles data on constituents and allows MPs to profile and target undecided voters, while ignoring the decided ones. The program is sold exclusively to Liberal MPs. The ALP uses a similar program called Campaign Central.

Christensen Turtle under threat

Voters in the North Queensland electorate of Dawson are being asked to donate to the Eco Barge Clean Seas Turtle sanctuary to help rescue the now endangered Christensen turtle. The Christensen turtle, which some political scientists say could be extinct after July 2, is a slow moving and dim-witted reptile, struggling to survive in the modern political environment.

Know your product: Economic Management

It’s been 43 years and 6 months since the election of the Whitlam government. Since then both Labor and the Coalition have been in government for the same amount of time (21 years and 9 months).

So how do they compare on managing the economy?

Annual employment growth was 0.216% higher under Labor. Given the size of today’s labour market that amounts to 25,710 extra jobs per year. Since 1972 565,000 addition jobs were created under Labor.

Government promises faster NBN speeds

The Turnbull government has promised faster speeds when responding to leaks about the National Broadband Network.

Following a string of embarrassing leaks the government will now devote more NBN resources to improving the speed at which AFP officers execute search warrants to recover any compromising documents.


Dear Mr Storrar,

You are a low income earner with mental health issues. According to the front pages of a number of Australian newspapers you have a criminal history, did not pay tax and are disliked by some of your children. Those newspapers have therefore deemed your opinions irrelevant.

Export arms, import asylum seekers

Dear European Union,

I note with equal amounts of resignation and disgust, that many within your borders are calling for the EU to adopt Australian government policies in relation to asylum seekers.

Now I'm sure I don't need to warn the EU that this is a dangerous path to go down. And I certainly shouldn't need to point out the consequences of when the inhumane treatment of people becomes condoned and institutionalised. Although history shows you can be bloody slow learners at times. That however is not my reason for writing to you.


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