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Introducing Isocracy

About Isocracy

Isocracy, "equal rule", is the name for principles that embody the principles of self ownership and, by extension informed consent, natural resources as the source of public income, for the common good alone. Isocracy seeks to be the opposite of kakistocracy.

An isocracy avoids the common criticisms of democracy (e.g., tyranny of the majority) and demagogy by limiting public governance to the public sphere and private governance to the private sphere. An isocracy is a secular system of governance; there is no endorsement or interference in religious matters. An isocracy is republican; there is no hereditary provision of power. By extension, an isocracy does not engage in moral distinctions in law on the grounds of race, sex etc. All these principles are seen as universal rights, beyond temporal and spatial contexts, and to be established in as a constitutio libertatis.

An isocracy tends towards a federal network with a high degree of regional autonomy and in productive activity towards mutualism. From the free association of individuals and communities, common and particular interests can be distinguished.

The political and economic theories of an isocracy are fundamentally distinct from property and power relations enforced by the State as institutions of class rule, an isocracy advocates the general abolition of such armed forces (army, police) in favour of an inclusive civilian militia for public peace, defense and emergency services.

The social and political theory of isocracy combines the best elements of the modern traditions of liberal, socialist, and anarchist thought.

"The Isocracy Network" is a group of like-minded individuals who support the core principles. It is not a political party and does not seek political office under its name. It does not have a centralised method of organisation, nor does it determine what particular policies are best suited for specific circumstances. Individuals themselves participate in the network to design practical public policy. Rather than an organisation, it is perhaps best considered a movement.

Visitors who desire membership, or an account here, should Contact an organiser. You will also find us on Facebook.

القاعدة الديمقراطية الحرية المساواة 民主 自由 社会主义 平等规则 Démocratie Socialisme Liberté Isocratie Demokratie Freiheit Sozialismus Izokratie Democracy Socialism Freedom Isocracy लोकतंत्र स्वतंत्रता समाजवाद समान नियम Demokrasi Sosialisme Kebebasan Isokrasi Демократия Социализм Свобода Равныеправила Democracia Socialismo Libertad Isocracia Demokrasia Usoshalisti Uhuru Isokrasia דעמאָקראַסי סאָסיאַליסם פרייהייט יסאָקראַסי

The Isocracy Network is incorporated in the state of Victoria, A0054881M

Isocracy Member 'blogs

Every Isocracy member has a 'blog on our website. This is an unusual practise for political organisations, who typically prefer tight control over their public image, perhaps allowing for comments by members or members of the public. The Isocracy Network is not like that. We believe that all members have a right to express their opinion on the organisation's website.

These individual 'blogs are not, of course, the same of as the organisation's positions as a whole, which are embodied in our plan, and are clearly marked with the user's name as a 'blog entry. These should also be differentiated by articles which are posted on the site as well, which are often contributed by non-members.

The main rule that we have for our member-bloggers is that the content must refer to social and political theory as that is the purpose of the site. Further, we will not permit material that defames individuals or others on the basis of collective identification (racism, sexism, etc).

To make it clear The views of 'blog posts are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Isocracy Network, Inc., or its branches.