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Real Republicans

Conservative: "America is a Republic, not a Democracy."

Dude, shut the fuck up! You are a fucking idiot.

Republicanism is a philosophy of democratic government that specifically defines liberty in such a way that their very definition of freedom entails universal healthcare, elimination of poverty, abolition of wage-slavery, free college, et al. Bernie Sanders is basically the only real republican in American politics.

Kissinger's War Crimes

"Mistakes were quite possibly made by the administrations in which I served"
-- Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger received a Nobel Peace Prize for ending the war in Vietnam before the war had even ended. Meanwhile, as Secretary of State, he orchestrated mass murder and carried out the illegal bombing of Cambodia (a neutral country). The number of bombs dropped on Cambodia during the Vietnam War era exceeds the number dropped on Japan during the entirety of WWII.

Karl Popper's Critique of Marxism

Karl Popper's critique of Marxism is equally applicable as a critique of Austrian Economics, and Hayek failed to recognize that.

Something good about Facebook

First off, the bad grammar in the following is intentional, because screw grammar/spelling authoritarians! Language is the only real direct democracy dammit, so don't let the fascist English teachers take that away from you with their arbitrary rules!

Facebook says today is a "friendversary," marking the day that me and Mitchell became friends on Facebook. Normally, I ignore Facebook when it spams me with such things, but I couldn't help but notice the huge impact that Mitchell has had on my life.

Land Value Tax and Basic Income Already Exist

People often object to land value tax because they think it will increase their taxes. However, for most working class folks, your taxes would actually go down. In reality, you probably already pay land value tax. Most of us pay a land value tax to a landlord in the form of rent or to a bank in the form of mortgage payments. This "tax" in the form of rent allows landlords and capitalists (mortgage holders) to survive and thrive without having to actually work for a living like the rest of us.

Patriotism is objectively unethical

Patriotism entails loyalty to one's government. The quintessential motto of the patriot is “support our troops,” which usually just means support the government and the wars of our rulers. If you actually cared about the wellbeing of the troops, you'd be ranting and raving about unjust war and demanding that they not be put in harm's way for the sake of strengthening the power of oligarchs and the economic elite.

Christopher Cantwell, Special Snowflake

Christopher Cantwell, former AnCap turned leader of the Alt-Right, is crying like a little snowflake on video because he's afraid to get arrested and just found out there is a warrant for his arrest. He bragged about the murder that took place in Charlottesville and then promised that the Alt-Right would kill more people.

Hatred of Millenials: The Real Reason

So, here's the real reason that older folks hate millennials:

Christian Silence

If you're Christian, you don't have the luxury of remaining silent. If you are remaining silent, you don't have the right to call yourself "Christian." Speak up! Condemn racism and fascist or stop pretending to be anything other than just another rotten horrible person. SILENCE IS A SIN! I'm ashamed of "Christians". Most of them are really just terrible people.

Socialism with Private Ownership

There is a sense in which I will concede that a society with private ownership can be socialist.


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