"We're not exactly asking for their left kidney"
-Christopher Pyne in response to protests against proposed increases to university fees.
The average amount you can expect to sell your kidney for on the black market is $5,000 (http://www.havocscope.com/black-market-prices/organs-kidneys/).
The cost of an undergraduate degree in Australia (excluding more expensive specialised degrees such as veterinary science and medicine) is around $33,000 (6.6 kidneys) and $37,000 for a masters or doctorate (7.4 kidneys).
Melbourne University estimates the cost of their degrees with increase by up to 60% due to changes in the budget (10.5 - 12 kidneys).
Proposed changes to interest payments on HECS-HELP are expected to see that figure increase by at least as much again (14.4 - 16.8 kidneys).
Christopher Pyne graduated from Adelaide University in 1988, the year before HECS was introduced (0 kidneys).
He's not exactly asking for your left kidney, he's asking for the left one, the right one and those of many generations of students to come.