Dear Prime Minister,
I am writing to apologise for recent comments I have made in relation to you and our newly elected government. I have in the past referred to you and your party as lazy, dishonest, arrogant, negative, opportunist, cynical, manipulative, divisive, mean-spirited, ignorant, boorish, compassionless, mysogynistic, homophobic, short sighted, reffo-bashing, borderline psychotic, anti-worker, Murdoch kowtowing, God bothering, climate change denying, socially regressive, economically illiterate, policy light weights.
I wish to unreservedly apologise for my use of the term "lazy".
It has been less than a week since you and the boys were sworn in and what a week it's been. I commend you sir on the breadth and scale of your actions in such a short time.
These actions include:
The appointing a cabinet with one woman (who as Minister for Foreign Affairs will be absent for most of the time); sacking 3 departmental heads; sacking Tim Flannery and abolishing the Climate Change Commission; appointing yourself in control of women's affairs; scrapping the ministries of Disability Reform, Mental Health & Ageing, Resources & Energy, Tourism, Multicultural Affairs, Tertiary Education, Skills, Science & Research, International Development, Youth, Climate Change, Housing & Homelessness and Status of Women; and creating a new ministry, Border Security.
On the down side I recently read in a left-leaning journal (I believe it was called 'The Australian') that the number of boat arrivals has increased significantly since the election. Not to worry, as Jaymes Diaz would no doubt agree, stopping the boats is only one of six points in your Border Protection policy.
Richard O'Brien