It's not often you'll hear me say this but the Government have been pretty clever this week. You see while we've all been distracted by George Brandis defending bigotry, Scott Morrison dismissing more evidence of torture and Abbott wanting to bring back knighthoods, no one noticed Joe Hockey's contribution.
Hockey admitted today that since he became Treasurer government debt has increased by more than $68 billion. $68 billion dollars in just over 6 months, that's more than $345 million per day!
$345 million per day for a government to cut funding to renewable energy, childcare and welfare. $345 million per day to scrap Gonski, destroy the Barrier Reef and open up national parks to logging. $345 million a day to beat up asylum seekers, defend bigots and hand out knighthoods to their mates.
Even when Hockey was lying his arse off about debt accrued by Labor, his figures weren't close to this fiasco. The Abbott government are a disaster in every respect and a economic liability we cannot afford. Just don't expect to read about it in Sir Rupert's newspapers.