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Capitalist mathematics

85 = The richest people on the planet whose combined wealth is greater than the poorest 3.5 billion

80% = The portion of the world’s population who live on less than $10 per day

3 billion = The number of people who live on less than $2.50 per day

1.3 billion = The number of people who live on less than half that amount

1 billion (47.6%) = The number (and proportion) of children living in poverty

22,000 = The UN estimate of how many children die each day due to malnutrition and preventable diseases

$58 billion = The amount the UN estimate it would cost each year to offer basic education, clean water and sanitation, reproductive health, and basic health and nutrition to every person in the developing world

$700 billion = The amount the US Treasury was authorised to spend bailing out Wall Street corporations after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

$170 billion = The amount the US government spent bailing out just one of those corporations, American International Group (AIG)

$1.2 billion = The amount AIG payed its employees in bonuses the following year

4,743 = The number of people lynched in the USA between 1882 and 1968, which AIG’s CEO Robert Benmosche compared to criticism of his company for paying those bonuses

3 to 1 = The proportion of people living in poverty to wealthy people in 1820

88 to 1 = the same proportion today

90 = The number of corporations responsible for two thirds of all carbon emissions since the start of the Industrial Revolution

6.2% = The amount we will need to cut global carbon emissions by every year for the next century to avoid catastrophic weather conditions and mass extinctions

1.2% = The amount we cut global carbon emissions by last year

All of the above = what world leaders believe is a better alternative than redistributing the wealth of 85 people and regulating the behaviour of 90 companies.