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Federal Election Campaign: Day 9 and 10

Day 10 of the election campaign. Yes I did skip yesterday being a slow news day and all. Today the main stories relate to coal and water, and sometimes at the same time with the case of Adani, now it has been revealed that they who rejected scientific advice its groundwater modelling was "not fit for purpose". Adani have also refused to commit to corrective action if a new model showed the mine would have more extensive groundwater impacts.

Just as well that Environment minister Melissa Price approved Adani's scientifically unsound groundwater plan just two days before the election was called, isn't it?

It has also been revealed that the former Deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce, somehow managed to pay $80m of taxpayers money was paid for water that doesn’t exist. This, and a reange of other questionable water contracts over the Murray-Darling Basin Plan signed during 2017 (some $200m) in total has resulted with the Greens calling fro a Royal Commission on the matter and Labor saying that the documentation must be tabled and audited.

The LNP are not getting much love in the country over this with farmers describing it as "piracy". Naturally enough the entire scandal is being called... #watergate

Meanwhile, as various workers (especially hospitality, cleaning, pharmacy etc, which are already low-paid) lose hundreds of dollars from individual pay packets and tens of millions overall, thanks to the decision to cut penalty rates, Labor has vowed to reverse the cut

Finally, Labor has complained to Facebook about "fake news" posts claiming that the incoming Labor government will introduce a "death tax" (at 40% no less!) on inheritances. It's rubbish of course, but fake news is handy for people with existing prejudices. For what it's worth, the AEC has already made a point to mention to the social media giant that political advertisements in the Australian election have to be authorised.