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Federal Election Campaign: Day 18

Day 18 of the Federal election campaign and the big policies come out. Labor has a massive hit with a $4 billion plan to increase the childcare subsidy available to families with household incomes under $175,000 a year (since the Coalition took office in 2013, childcare costs have climbed by 25 per cent), plus free dental work for pensioners.

Scott Morrison promises to freeze the refugee intake. Personally, I find it odd that someone who professes to be a Christian would have put the baby Jesus and his family behind barbed wire on a remote island during a typhoid outbreak.

One of the most infuriating media bites of the election must surely come from National Leader Michael McCormack and Scott Morrison when a reporter asked whether workers should be paid.

JOURNALIST: Do you have to pay workers?

LEADER OF THE NATIONALS: "You've gotta pay workers. Every worker gets paid. What a silly question that is. [JOURNALIST: Clive Palmer] Oh"

JOURNALIST: Should Clive Palmer, given he’s spending $50 million in advertising, pay the $70 million back to the Commonwealth plus the $7 million he owes to workers?

PRIME MINISTER: "Clive Palmer is making his own statements on those matters"

How about "No, Clive Palmer should pay the workers who are owed"?

No, when it comes down to it, the Prime Minister offer no leadership at all on whether workers should be paid or not.