Day 15 of the Federal election campaign is a slow news day, presumably because ANZAC day is a truce in politics. Pity there can't be more truces in armed conflicts. Still, there is one significant item of note and that's the preference deal between Australia's biggest dead-beat, Clive Palmer and his United Australia Party and the LNP. Palmer, famous for playing truant on sitting time, sleeping through a fair bit of it, and not paying workers who lost their jobs when his nickel refinery went bust, has poured tens of millions into this Federal election campaign, apparently out-spending the major parties. He is also in the process of seeking approval for coal mine larger than Adani's. Do you think this might be related to his election campaign? Or the preference deal? After all, we know how much the Prime Minister loves coal.
Meanwhile the head of the Australian War Memorial, former Liberal leader Brendan Nelson, personally receiving payments from the multinational arms manufacturer Thales while publicly defending the institution’s controversial acceptance of donations from weapons companies. Nelson is claiming that he received no financial benefit from Thales because he donated any payments received. Keep that in mind when future unearned income comes your way, you can negatively gear the dodginess through any charitable donations you've received.