Although conspiracy theorists mostly talk rubbish, there is substance related to the Rockefellers on this topic, from the 2nd generation onwards, but to avoid the direction of conspiratorial paranoia, I'll start by giving credit where it is due. John D. Rockefeller, the founder of what became Exxon-Mobil and Chevron was green and practising recycling a century before those two words became the in-thing, even before he established the The Rockefeller Foundation, motivated by efficiency and social responsibility. Standard Oil used gasoline to fuel their machines while other companies dumped it into rivers or heaped it up as waste products. Rockefeller bought the Chesebrough Manufacturing Co. to create Vaseline. SO invested heavily in the gas and electric lighting businesses, as well as the Corn Products Refining Co., to connect the topic at hand.
In practice, he not only confirmed both the Agorist and Kropotkinite fear that horizontal collectivist integration and cooperative governance under a single influence, can result in vertical integration and monopoly formation (whether privately or worker-owned), but also showed why non-interfering states must integrate local and provincial legislation to evolve into huge nation-state level interference through trust-busting, when struggling competitors complain about entrepreneurial cunning in Cowboy Capitalism, as happened with Standard Oil, or violence and intimidation, as it did with the Cochise County Cowboys. Stronger competitors copy the monopolistic formula to the point of upsetting complaining competitors, the way Texaco, Shell and others did. With the status quo in place, there cannot be a free market, because the ruling class will dominate it as their resources dictate, not only by logical consequence, but as history has repeatedly shown.