The Abbott led government has declared war on every social security beneficiary, every wage earner and every small business in Australia in its 2014 budget. No budget since Federation, not even during World War One and World War Two, has been so draconian. The 2014 budget has placed the burden of a very questionable deficit on the shoulders of the individual while sparing a corporate sector that pays voluntary taxation and the country's richest people (who have the assets to legally minimise their tax liability) any significant pain.
Eighty billion has been ripped out of the public health and public education sector. Medicare, the single most important reform since the Second World War has been gutted by this ethically challenged and morally bankrupt government. Those Australians who will be forced to carry the greatest burden in this horror budget are the 33% of Australians who rely on social security benefits to survive.
The only redeeming feature about the 2014 budget is that hopefully people who have been seduced by consumerism and sport will be forced to take a greater interest in how they're governed and will soon force this government and future governments to put the nation's and the Australian people's interests before the interests of that small section of society that owns the means of production, distribution, exchange and communication who are currently pulling the parliamentary puppet strings.
Dr. Joseph TOSCANO / Spokesperson / Anarchist Media Institute
Level 1/21 Smith Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065