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Syria Update: Turkish Ground Operations

SYRIA UPDATE: Yesterday, Turkey began ground operations into Syria. Their goal is to take two predominantly Arab cities, Tel Abyad and Ras al-Ayn, that are controlled by the Kurdish-aligned Syrian Democratic Forces. Taking those two cities will cut the main highway connection between the main Kurdish population centers in Kobane canton (to the west) and Cizire canton (to the east).

The Turks opened with air strikes and artillery, then attempted a direct assault on Tel Abyad, which was unsuccessful. They then decided to use a pincer tactic in both towns, capturing some of the villages on either side of the town in order to flank Kurdish forces. They may try to fully encircle the towns, which would force the Kurds to withdraw in order to avoid being trapped.

The Turks are also using artillery to shell the Kurdish population centers, especially the city of Kobane and the city of Qamishli (which is located in Cizire canton and is the Syrian Kurdish capital). There have also been a number of artillery strikes on the Syrian/Iraqi border, presumably so they can disrupt the Kurds' supply lines.

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