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Neil Mitchell is a mendacious, loud-mouthed, cockwomble

Neil Mitchell believes: "Because despite meeting the targets, our Premier has decided to delay any further reopening in the metropolitan area, and make restricted changes in regional Victoria... The targets were met. People did the right thing despite the pain. And having been promised likely relief, they got none."

I think Neil Mitchell is a mendacious, loud-mouthed, cockwomble.

He's a useless, but well-paid, member of the chattering class, who hides behind the banner of "Opinion". Rather than engage in basic research, he prefers to engage in gutter-level "yellow journalism".

Here's an example of some basic research. From the same paper he was published in, no less, just a couple of weeks ago:

"For Melbourne to move to step three of the state government's road map for easing restrictions on October 19, Victoria's 14-day average for new coronavirus cases has to be driven below five *and* there needs to have been five or fewer mystery cases, in total, over the previous 14 days."

And here, from the DHHS website.

"The nine mystery cases in the last 14 days (09 Oct 2020 – 22 Oct 2020) are located in the following postcodes, 3025, 3029 (2 cases), 3047, 3073, 3081, 3128, 3152 and 3173."

It took me two minutes to find this information.

The fact that The Age even gave Mitchell a platform to compete with the stupidity Andrew Bolt is an embarrassment.