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william.hathaway's blog

In Search of Kindness

Now is the season when priests proclaim, “Peace on earth, goodwill towards men” and mainstream media soothe us with stories and images of kindness.

But why do peace and goodwill remain just dreams? Why is kindness so rare in the world today? Why is it limited to the personal sphere? Why is the wider world so cruel?

Then there's only one choice

A haunting reminder of the need for peace by a man who died for it

“Then there's only one choice” By Wolfgang Borchert

Translated from the German by William T. Hathaway

Meditation: a lifeline to sanity in a world gone crazy

Meditation: a lifeline to sanity in a world gone crazy

The Real Vaccine

Our world now writhes like a wounded worm, helpless
to escape its torment, blind
to the cause but blaming
a bug: “Stop it, stomp it, strangle it!
Too late – inside us, breeding into billions of bugs!
Kill them, poison them!
But our poisons don’t work – oh no!
Swarming with new bugs! Hopeless! Dying!”
All the while Shiva whispers:
“Beneath your terror and turmoil lies the tranquility of the transcendent.
You’re trapped on the surface mind, tossed by the waves.
Now dive to the depths and merge with me.

Trumped Up Wars

"Obey me or die!"
the orange-haired man threatens the world.
"My drones know you're home,
and my missiles don't miss.
I'm Commander in Chief, CinC for short.
I'll sink you into the sea, fry you crisp,
burn you to dust with the push of a button.
I'll overthrow your governments,
strangle your economies,
jail your refugees.
I'm the trumpet of doom,
I'll turn your land into a tomb!"

Burn the flag on inauguration day!

Let's welcome our new Commander in Chief by demonstrating how little he knows about the Constitution of the United States. Each incoming president is required on inauguration day to take the oath of office, affirming to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution." But Trump proved his ignorance of this document when he recently wrote, "Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag -- if they do, there must be consequences -- perhaps loss of citizenship or a year in jail!" The Supreme Court, however, thinks otherwise.

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